Is your SME in the tourist sector and also facing a big challenge during the Covid-19 economic crisis? But you keep your head up and try to adapt and create new revenue streams and stay alive with your business?
Apply for the GLX ‘Crisis Flexibility Challenge’– and tell us the story of your business’s flexibility during these times. You can win support from ‘Stay Good - in business’, including advice from experts, marketing and web development programs.
With these goals in mind, ‘Stay Good in business’ wants to honor the 3 most innovative and ‘good minded’ businesses in the tourism sector with at least 10employees and 5 years of business experience in tourism. We will award 3 highly motivated and positive-minded SMEs who are taking concrete and decisive actions to make the most of the situation, creatively improvising and developing new strategies in order to transform the challenges we are facing into future success and growth. We want to give you the support your business needs in the form of consultations, advice from experts, and trainings, including the areas of marketing and website development, with a value of up to 1.5 M LKR
We will select 3 of the most innovative, forward-looking businesses and award them as follows:
· 1st prize: business support with a value of LKR 1 500 000
· 2nd prize: business support with a value of LKR 1 000 000
· 3rd prize: business support with a value of LKR 500 000
The ‘STAY GOOD’ business support in the form of consultations, expert advice, marketing or website and app development will be provided in the period May to July
· May 10th Submission deadline
· May 18th Winners announced
· May to July 10 Winners receive business support
· July 13th to 17th Stories are showcased
Businesses will be evaluated according to the following key criteria: creativity and innovation in problem solving, flexibility in adapting to crisis-related circumstances and stage of implementation of your alternative business plan (idea stage is eligible).
· Finding new and alternative revenue streams
· Ability to continue paying your staff their usual wages through alternative endeavours
· Creativity and feasibility of your idea
· Sustainability of your previous and current ventures
Tell us your COVID-19 business story and how you’re helping everyone involved in your organization to survive the crisis. We want to know about the plans you have already implemented or will implement, as an alternative source of income. Tell us what you’re doing to meet this crisis with flexibility and creativity.
Together let's envision a better future for the whole planet – we can’t wait to honor your ideas with the support necessary to bring them to life!
We are very much looking forward to reading all your stories and seeing how we can collaborate to support your ideas during these times!